Frequently asked questions

  1. Reach out. Get in touch with me via email. I will get back to you as soon as possible approximately
    within 3 business days.
  2. Schedule a 10–20-minute complimentary phone consultation call. If you decide you want to work
    with me, I can get you set up with a client portal to fill out the initial paperwork. Once the initial
    paperwork is received, an intake appointment can be made.
  3. Schedule an Intake Appointment. For all new clients, an intake (60 minutes) is conducted at the first
    full session to gather information of one’s biological, psychological, and social history and presenting
    issues. This allows the therapist to get a full picture of the client in determining the best course of
    treatment moving forward. Therapeutic goals will be discussed collaboratively. *Note, this is the only
    appointment that feels like an interview. Moving forward, therapy appointments feel more natural and
  4. Get a Recurring Time Slot. After the first appointment, I prefer to work with clients weekly or
    biweekly. This is important for building rapport. Also, having your appointment at the same time each
    week provides routine for building a good foundation of a new therapeutic relationship.

Yes! The intake process starts with a free phone consultation that lasts approximately 10-20 minutes.
This allows us time to get to know each other and answer any questions you have about starting

All cancellations must be made at least 24 hours prior to the appointment time for no charge. Any late
cancellations in less than 24 hour notice and no shows will be charged at the full rate.

Following the intake, every session thereafter will be 55 minutes. Therapy is tailored to each individual’s
needs, the presenting issue, and your short- and long-term goals. Together we will collaborate on how
these goals can best be met. Due to the inability to predict your journey of growth and healing,
determining the duration of treatment is ethically impossible.

Just yourself! All important information including forms, payment, etc. is collected through an online
client portal prior to your first appointment.

At this time, I cannot accept insurance. I am an Out-of-Network Provider, and do not hold a contract
with any insurance carriers.
Out-of-Network providers are paid directly by the client. Clients can submit claims and request for
reimbursement to their insurance carriers after services have been rendered.

  • There are no restrictions on how many sessions per year or how often you get to see your therapist
  • There are no restrictions on telehealth/ online therapy
  • There is no need to change your therapist if your employment changes and affects your insurance plan
  • There is no need to share your mental health information with insurance companies
  • You have the freedom to choose a therapist who can be the best fit for you, instead of being limited to
    therapists who are in network of your insurance

Many private insurances (e.g. United, Premera, Cigna, Aetna, etc.) will reimburse you for mental health
treatment if you provide a Superbill (provided upon request).

1) Call your insurance provider (the number on the back of your insurance card) to confirm this option.
Please note, I cannot guarantee you will be reimbursed.

2) Obtain a Superbill from your therapist. (A Superbill is a receipt for behavioral health services. This is
used to help clients get reimbursement for services by their insurance.)

When you ask your therapist for a Superbill and share it with your insurance company, know that you
are disclosing Personal Health Information (PHI) such as a diagnostic code. Please review privacy
practices with your insurance carrier if you would like to understand how they manage PHI.

3) Once you submit your claim to your insurance company, your reimbursement will depend on your
Insurance carrier’s policy. The amount is based on your insurance carrier and the plan you hold.
Typically, the insurance company will mail you a physical check.

  • Do I have out-of-network coverage for outpatient mental health services?
  • What is my annual deductible and has it been met?
  • What is the coverage for before and after I reach my deductible
  • Do my expenses with out-of-network providers count toward the deductible?
  • Is telehealth/ online therapy covered by my out-of-network benefits?
  • What is the reimbursement rate for out-of-network providers?
  • What is the specific percentage or dollar amount coverage for out-of-network outpatient mental health
    services? You can use the CPT code 90791 for intake and 90834 or 90837 for ongoing sessions to check
    the specific coverage.
  • What information do you need for me to submit for out-of-network reimbursement?
  • Do you need a referral to see Out-of-Network providers? If so, where can I get a referral?
  • How many sessions per calendar year do you cover?

Blackbird Behavioral Health uses two methods of secure, HIPAA compliant, online-based payment
systems. One is directly through Simple Practice (a clinical notes application), the other is through
Square. This means that we never have to handle your card, instead you can enter your payment
information through one of these methods and it will be stored for future sessions.

Please contact me for discounted rate by specifying this interest. I have allotted a limited amount of
spots for this offering. The price varies determined by financial need.
For those experiencing financial hardship, please to the resources page.
If you started therapy with me and can no longer afford to keep seeing me for the full rate, please talk
to me to discuss options so we can come up with a plan that fit your needs. Some likely options might
be: 1) you and I agree to a reduced fee for a limited period of time 2) you and I spend the next few
months thoughtfully transitioning you to another therapist who is in-network with your insurance

Blackbird Behavioral Health operates out of WA State utilizing telehealth/ or in-person services. The
physical office location is 11416 Slater Ave Suite 100F NE, Kirkland.

All telehealth will be done via Zoom. You will need a device with a camera (a computer or laptop with a
webcam, tablet, or smartphone), internet connection that is at least 10mbps, and Zoom app.

There are benefits to each! Telehealth increases access to care. With the ability to do therapy in the
comfort of your home, you don’t have to worry about a commute to your appointment or waiting in an
office. Less time is taken out of your day. In-person sessions provide an experience without some of the
barriers that telehealth can have (e.g. internet interruptions, technical issues, struggles with
technology). It really depends on your own unique needs!

All information shared in sessions are kept completely confidential. Only incidents of health and safety
are when confidentiality cannot be maintained. This is to keep you and those around you safe. The
Zoom platform used in telehealth is 100% HIPAA compliant. Other programs such as FaceTime and
Skype are not HIPAA compliant.

For licensed mental health professionals, confidentiality is protected by state laws and the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Therapists who break confidentiality can get in trouble with state licensing boards. They can also be sued by their clients in some cases. BBH ensures
client confidentiality by:

  • -Not leaving revealing information on voicemail or text.
  • Not acknowledging to outside parties that a client has an appointment.
  • Not discussing the contents of therapy with a third party without the explicit permission of the client.

Legal exceptions to breaking confidentiality:

  • -When a client is a threat to themself or others, in which case a therapist must notify the person in
    danger or notify someone who can keep the client safe. It is important to note that a therapist will not
    automatically break confidentiality if a client reports thoughts about suicide. Typically, a client needs to
    state an intent to act on those thoughts and have a specific suicide plan before hospitalization is
    considered. An individual will not be hospitalized against their will for simply seeking help.
  • -If the therapist has reasonable suspicion that a child or disabled person is being abused. As a mandated
    reporter, they have a legal duty to report their suspicions to authorities.
  • -In rare cases, therapists can be forced to testify against their clients through a subpoena. However, it is
    much more difficult to force a therapist to testify than it is to force a non-licensed mental health
    professional. Laws governing therapists are much stricter about confidentiality.

Get in touch

I am an independent clinical social worker and certified drug and alcohol counselor, committed to helping people learn how to recognize their own strengths and resiliency in order to achieve their chosen goals.

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